Petty Besties Podcast
Meet your two new besties Courtney and Nickki, or as Courtney call's her Taylor. Sit down and dish with them as they talk about life, love, parenting, and everything in between. You never know what these two will say, or what topics they will bring to the table. So make sure to join them every Friday!
Petty Besties Podcast
Almost Time For Hot Girl Summer
Courtney Russell & Nickki (Taylor) Stemle
In today's episode we sit down and dish on body image. Why do women view their bodies so negatively? We talk about how we view our own bodies and what we think plays into why we think this way as a society. Also, discuss how can we change this cycle and accept and love our bodies. We are sure many women can relate so head on over to Instagram after listening, and join in on the conversation!