Petty Besties Podcast
Meet your two new besties Courtney and Nickki, or as Courtney call's her Taylor. Sit down and dish with them as they talk about life, love, parenting, and everything in between. You never know what these two will say, or what topics they will bring to the table. So make sure to join them every Friday!
Petty Besties Podcast
Something Exciting Is Happening
Courtney Russell & Nickki (Taylor) Stemle
FINALLY Nickki is sharing some HUGE news with us! We continue our conversation about friendships during a pandemic. Do you guys have different types of friends, for example party friends, or mom friends? We definitely feel like we do, join us for our discussion on types of friendships, and do they fill your cup? Also, how in the world do adults make friends? Help us out here.
Don't forget to head over to our Instagram and let's talk about it!